We Build Customer Facing Analytics Applications For Free!!

Most tools in the world of data are built for internal use.

And fall apart when you need to get data to your customers.

Delivery Layer powers great-looking fully-featured web applications and APIs that get your data to your customers in a product you can be proud of.

We dramatically improve time to market and customer experience for data products. Large complex products can launch in under a quarter & simple front-ends can ship in days.

Don't spend years on custom development, or try to shoehorn customer-facing data into a BI / internal decision tool.

We've Seen It All, And Built A Better Way
The original project was supposed to take 18 months. It ended up taking four and a half years, and couldn't even fully replace the old system.

All the people who approved it were gone by year 3. It was a disaster.

- Product Manager who finally shipped it
Launch slipped from Q3 to the following year, but we were still on the hook for the revenue we put into the plan.

When it finally launched, it was missing key features, but we still needed to sell it as if it was fully done.

- Sales
Product and sales are asking for way more features than we agreed on.

There's a hiring freeze this quarter, and we only have half the engineers we expected. My best engineer just got an offer 60% over what we're paying and I'm pretty sure we can't match it.

- Engineering

To Everyone Else: "It's ok, these setbacks are normal, let's just focus and get this across the line."

Late At Night, Practicing In The Mirror: "It's ok... This is normal... Just keep it together..."

- Product
My client showed me the excel sheet they used to track RFP responses before they chose me.

Every single competitor offered the exact same data that I did, but I was the only one to offer an online portal. That's the only reason I won the RFP.

- Energy Industry Consultant

What We Do

Create Email Newsletters - Techpool X Webflow Template

1. Power full-featured data applications

A typical data product MVP takes years from idea to launch. You need revenue now.

Drag And Drop - Techpool X Webflow Template

Don't Build It Yourself From Scratch

Avoid the pain and suffering. Benefit from our experience and systems

Pre Made Templates - Techpool X Webflow Template

Scale From One Client To Thousands

Hacky solutions can work for one-off use cases, but don't scale

2. Built for your clients and partners

Your clients need data the way they want to consume it, not the way that's easy for you to deliver it

Check Icon - Techpool X Webflow Template

Enterprise Security & Permissions

For many real-world use cases, building the security & permissions is as complicated as the entire rest of the application

Advanced A/B Testing - Techpool X Webflow Template

Varied Delivery Methods

Some clients want charts and tables in a platform, some want APIs, some want files...

Email Audience - Techpool X Webflow Template
Mesure Email Campaigns - Techpool X Webflow Template

3. We take you across the finish line

Getting a data product launched can be like running an obstacle course. We'll sign up for all the messy parts too.

Granular Reports - Techpool X Webflow Template

Data not clean and organized?

We've seen it all before. We'll help get the data production ready.

AI Optimizations - Techpool X Webflow Template

Not enough capacity on your team?

There never is. We can work together on how to get your product shipped.